الأربعاء، 26 ديسمبر 2018

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

Tabkh maroc

Offers you how to prepare piteza mini

The dough is a paste of Domino's Pizza on this link

Tabkh maroc

Pizza sauce

Smoked turkey slices

Medium tray of mushrooms

A small tray of grain corn strainer

Cheesecake or grated cheddar cheese

Mozzarella cheese

Black olive slices

Dry Thyme + Oregano


Prepare the dough as described in the link above

Cover the dough with sauces, sprinkle with the cheese and then distribute the smoked turkey

Then sliced ​​mushrooms, corn and black olive slices, then sprinkled with garnet, oregano and finally mozzarella

Bake in a medium temperature oven and then be poured as soon as it comes out of the oven with olive oil and provide health and comfort

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Tabkh maroc

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